Wednesday 20 June 2007

Midsummer in Sweden

Had lunch at Grodan with the publishing executive today which was more interesting that I thought it would be. He wanted us to collaborate on this idea that he had and I would love to, if and only if I’ll get a bigger piece of the cake. I didn’t tell him right away though. Made sure to put some icing on it first and then I hit him with the 50/50 or no deal. He accepted and paid for the lunch. Turned my phone back on as I was on my way back to the office. A dirty text message from The Ambassador made me realize that I should schedule that weekend with her ASAP. That woman really knows how to push the right buttons. Big time. Didn’t respond since I had some work calls that needed to be prioritized. Crazy much to do before I’m leaving tomorrow. This year we’re going to Cecilia and Ninnis summer house in Mölle for the traditional ‘Swedish Midsummer’ celebration. Jay was supposed to come along with her girlfriend, but they desided to stay at home and cancelled last minute. Too bad. Jay can make any party a good one!

Christian called and said that the brunette from the other night has been asking about me. I was flattered but not impressed.
”Babe, I have sooooo much to do today, can we talk about that when I’m back?” I wanted to know.
”You are f-ing crazy!” He complained.
“This girl is one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen and you want to talk about it when you get back?”
I could see him shake his head before my inner eye.
“Sorry but I really have to go.” I hung up.

Back in the office I found Jay telling Melissa, the receptionist, off.
”I told you never to buy any light products. Light is for fat people!”
I looked at Jay who is actually quite a large women.
”I know Jay but they where out of regular Coke.” Melissa sighed.
”It doesn’t matter, I don’t know how many times I've told you!” Jay stormed into our office and slammed the door.

I can feel that I really need to get away for a few days. So here I come to eat, drink and dance around the pole for the sake of the fertile soil!
Back in la Stockholmia on Sunday…

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